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Ramdhani M Natsir

Introduction. Exam management is crucial in the implementation of evaluation in educational institutions. This is
because the test implementation process is one of the determinants of the quality of an institution. This study aims to
assess the optimization of examination management in the health analyst department of the Health Polytechnic of the
Ministry of Health in Maluku. Methods. This study used a descriptive research design. This research was conducted in
the health analyst department of the Maluku Health Polytechnic Ministry of Health in July - August 2019. The sample
in this study were all employees and students in the Maluku Health Poltekkes Department of Health analyst with the
sampling technique using total sampling. A Likert scale questionnaire was used as an instrument in the study. Results.
There are respondents with more job distribution, namely 45 students (80.4%). Respondents who rated the
application and website development category as very satisfied were 30 respondents (53.5%), and satisfied were 26
respondents (46.5%). Respondents who assessed the optimal management of the examination category were very
satisfied with 38 respondents (67.8%), and satisfied with 18 respondents (32.2%). Conclusion. There is no relationship
between the implementation of the SOP for exam management with optimal exam management, and there is a
relationship between making applications and websites with optimal exam management.

Keywords: health education evaluation student assessment